The SPREMISALUTE machine is protected by a national patent with international extension. Ippocrate selects and chooses the best fruit producers, to guarantee those nutritional values that give health benefits. At the moment, we are present at Carrefour, MyChef, Sisal Wincity, in Autogrill stores within railway stations and airports of major Italian cities and in many other locations.
Looking ahead, Ippocrate intends to expand machines sale to other stores of multinational chains in Italy and abroad consistent with the profile of the health-conscious consumer who intends and wishes to consume freshly pressed fruit. SPREMISALUTE has passed quality controls according to the most recent European standards and the numerous protections of companies, large and small, which operate in the automation of the pressing process at national and international level.

Cold pressing
obtain tasty and fresh fruit juices they are real nutraceuticals
Industrial exclusivity
for the public administration, the negotiated procedure can be applied without publication of notice

Easy to use
Less operator fatigue, easier cleaning of the machine
Sale of machines also through Grenke leasing and customized contracts for large chains.
Our expanding project
Ippocrate aims to collaborate with multinationals both in Italy and abroad, as well as with gyms, schools, beauty centers, spas, hotels, bars, restaurants hospitals, clinics and various canteens, in the beverage branch. For public administrations there is no need to make a public notice because SPREMISALUTE enjoys INDUSTRIAL EXCLUSIVITY.

Presses of ...


Red orange

Pink grapefruit
Pink grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, there are 34.4 mg of it in one press. Great for fatty liver (fatty liver)
An important element contained in this fruit is lycopene, considered a powerful antioxidant. It is also rich in vitamins A and group B, excellent for the prevention and treatment of flu with mineral saltss, potassium, etc.

Watermelon is a fruit that hydrates, strengthens bones, protects the heart and contains citrulline, a dilator and antioxidant vessel. The pulp is made up of over 90% water and also contains a fair amount of sugars, especially fructose, and vitamins A, C, B and B6
Cantalupe melon